Our Community Mediation Service provides a positive way of resolving Neighbour and Community Disputes.
Community Mediation referrals are confidential. The mediators will first visit you at home to find out about the problem and to hear what you would like to happen both now and in the future. If, after talking things through, you feel that you would like the mediators to contact your neighbour, they will try to do so. If your neighbour agrees the mediators will pay a visit to find out how they feel about the situation.
If everyone agrees, the mediators will then arrange a joint meeting at a mutually convenient time. The mediators will facilitate the process and make sure that everyone has a chance to air their concerns and to explore solutions in order that the issues can be resolved by those directly affected and an agreement written up.
Our community mediators are qualified and experienced and help the parties to achieve an agreement in about 80% of the referrals that reach a joint meeting. Even where a joint meeting does not take place, those using our service often report a positive outcome through being able to talk about the problem.
Sometimes neighbour or community disputes are referred to mediation by an organisation such as a Housing Association, the Local Council or the Police. In these cases we will contact those referred and offer them the chance to speak to mediators in private before deciding the next steps.
You can also contact us directly to refer a dispute and speak in confidence to one of our experienced members of staff.